Sunday, July 24, 2011

Where Are My Manners? Allow Me to Introduce Myself

Dear Readers,
Where are my manners? My mother would be rolling in her grave...except she's alive sooo...not so much; but if she were!

My name is to remain unknown if you must call me something, you may call me, Aurora.
I like long walks on the beach and candlelit no but seriously:

I'm a college student double-majoring in Psychology and Spanish going into my junior year and I love it because I love to learn.
While I may rant on my family, they have been semi-supportive in recent years and I know they do love me. However, they all agree, I am the scapegoat.
I love to read everything I can, learn anything awesome (random facts, languages, history, biology, anatomy, etc), craft nifty things, bake yumminess I give my friends and finally  eat ice cream (when I'm able to eat lol)
Oh and did I mention my fantabulous cats? I saved the best for last!

About the blog:
I'll have contests and reader involvement!
So stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Hey Lava Juice... lol
Haha.. I don't know what to say. I've read both your posts and I was expecting the first one to be serious... and I admire how you manage to put humor in your posts even if they seem to sound so serious... lol! Ok, kidding aside, I meant what I just said. ;-)

Take care, dear! :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey Lava Juice... lol
Haha.. I don't know what to say. I've read both your posts and I was expecting the first one to be serious... and I admire how you manage to put humor in your posts even if they seem to sound so serious... lol! Ok, kidding aside, I meant what I just said. ;-)

Take care, dear! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oops, I'm sorry, I mistakenly posted my comment twice...

ILavaJuice said...

Irene thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment! Your words mean a lot to me! =)

I hope you continue to read!

melissa said...

So How did you come up with your signoff name??

Stephanie Iris said...

I'm a Spanish major too. =)

SGRMSE. said...

you're ABSOLUTELY hilarious!! :D :D :D LOVE!

ILavaJuice said...

@Melissa: I'm not really my family always jokes that I have really loose association and I was thinking I love me and then I got to thinking about how much I love all of those people who give me support...and I Lava Juice sounds like I Love You so it's a way of saying I love you to all of the people who give me support :)

@Miss Sassy Pants: What year are you? Linguistics or Literature?

@Sugarmouse: Thanks :) I do some pretty awesome impressions in real life if I do say so myself!

Thank you all for your comments and support!!