Thursday, August 4, 2011

Help I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up

Dear Readers,
    Ouch so the title of my blog post made me chortle (you know those horribly acted Life Alert commercials?Heeeelllpp I've fallen and I can't get up...*extend arm weakly*) and laughing hurt like a bi-atch. (And when I yelled “ow” from the pain of laughing I guess I sounded like a cat because my cat started meowing at me (although that could be because he was concerned because he can always sense when I'm in pain)). 
      Anywho... back to the point...I feel like I should win an award because Tuesday (I think...) I fell and couldn't get up when I attempted to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. I had just woken up after a long Sleeping Beauty-esque sleep.  Picture it: Tempe, Arizona; the day: August 2nd, 2011

          I woke up as I heard “Don’t worry ‘bout a thing ‘cuz every little thing’s gonna be alright” for the umpteenth time. Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds is my mom’s ringtone (every Saturday she’d crank up the Bob and all of us (all 4 kids and my mom and dad) would clean the house top to bottom). I immediately texted her back because I hate phone calls, and I assured her, yes I was alive despite the fact I’d been asleep for 24+ hours. She relayed the message to my dad.

          I spent a little more time waking up until the “urgent pressure on my bladder” assured me I could wait no longer to make a much needed bathroom run…exactly 3 feet away from my bed.

So I crawl out from under my little burrow and as I approach the porcelain pedestal, I start feeling funky (ahem, funkier) and my vision starts dancing, going spotty and fading,  and my body starts shaking and twitching and then my body goes numb and I lose all the strength in my body…Crap...I can't lean on my towel bar or I'll rip it out of the wall. I can just picture that happening so vividly. I should try to make it back to bed before I collapse.
 Next thing I know, I’m waking up and, praise the Lord Hallelujah, I didn’t wet myself haha, but no seriously, I wake up sobbing hysterically and my back and ribs and my HEAD are throbbing and I’m covered in makeup (no, not my face, my body….I guess I pulled all my makeup off the counter (when I fell down and I had  just washed my white rug). And the first thing I think is FUCK (pardon my French) my mom is going to kill me…there’s no way I didn’t get another concussion** (see note).

          As I attempt to haul myself up, my back is screaming, so I pull my shirt up and I see big cuts up and down my back. My head starts throbbing…the throbbing morphs into a massive migraine: grab some Zomig, pull cap, insert into nose, pull trigger, toss away, pinch nose, tilt head, wait for relief. My ribs are so tender and sore it hurts to breath. As the day wears on it just gets worse.

          Today aka Wednesday (since I haven't been to bed...can't sleep), I can’t touch (or even think about touching) my ribs and there are 2 big lumps on my head (that I can’t touch). I’m thinking I hit my head on the wall when I went down and then again on the floor.

          I guess I can kiss my dreams of winning Miss America good-bye since I’m pretty sure you need poise for that haha! But no, seriously, I’ve been having this weird shaking dizziness for years and my mom says it’s because I stand up too fast…but nowadays, I can’t stand up fast lol so hmm (*strokes imaginary beard*)!
Who wants to see a picture of my back?
not my most flattering pic
& I didn't feel like taking a pic today of the bruising and bumps

Thanks for reading!! I hope you'll let me know what you truly think!! I appreciate all the feedback I can get!! Have a fabulous day!! 

<3 ILavaJuice/ Aurora

**I had my first head injury (traumatic brain injury)@ age 8 months…then age 8…with multiple concussions in between (age 6, 9 &12, etc)  and a major concussion @ age 17 and then after that @ ages 18, 19, & 20, &22. & Even a slight head bump now has a profound impact.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thank You Followers and Commenters!

Dearest Loyal Followers and Commenters,
      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my posts and then to take it a step further by commenting on my posts. It really makes me feel special and like people really care about what I have to say (or...write I guess haha).

       Since most people don't check back on the comment page, I'm going to be starting a followers/frequent commenters page where I'll leave some personal love for people I feel truly deserve it. So check that out.

      For now, thank you to:
  1. KG (a loyal follower and commenter): I hope your mother makes a full and speedy recovery!! (What happened! Feel free to message me @)!!!
  2. Melissa (a loyal follower and commenter): thank you for your feedback on 20sb! And my sign off name comes from the fact that I was I was thinking I love me and then I got to thinking about how much I love all of those people who give me support...and I Lava Juice sounds like I Love You so it's a way of saying I love you to all of the people who give me support :)
  3. Irene Cortez (a loyal follower and commenter): my very first commenter and follower! Way to get the ball rolling!! 
  4. 20 Going on 80 (a loyal follower): thanks for following! I love your  name! That's how I feel!
  5. Little Missy Me (a loyal follower and commenter): it's great to find a fellow language lover! Are you a linguistics or literature major? I'm a Spanish Literature major myself!  
  6. Remy (a very loyal follower and commenter): I've been following you for ages, and still do on both this account and on my RRR ( account. 

Thank you all! And if I forgot anyone, well you just let me know!! Lots of love! Keep reading! Oh, and the contest is being extended to August 19th (b/c my cats' birthday x2 because they're awesomely cute twins!!!)) is on the 18th.

Shnookums (L)(aka Choop) and Sweetie (R) rocking the lion cut

Choop in the sun. You can tell he's a
"Smoke" Maine Coon 
Sweetie "helping" me study for my Bio exam

Ta ta for now dearies!
-I Lava Juice

P.S. What do you all want to be called because I feel like loyal commenters and followers is kinda blah!